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Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004 - 3:21 PM

I have something to talk about that is really kind of difficult. I'm sure I have alluded to it before, may have even mentioned it, but anyway, here's the whole story.

My foster daughter (known here as the Little One (LO)) is now up for adoption. Her mother's parental rights were terminated in December. LO doesn't know this yet, though. She still believes that, one day, she will get to live with her "real mom" again. (You have no idea how much the term "real mom" bothers me when this woman has never been anything of the sort.) The caseworkers involved feel it is best to wait until we have a definite plan before we tell her. Everything was moving along just fine until last month when LO's biological mother gave birth to another daughter. The state works under the assumption that all biological siblings (even half siblings who know nothing of each other) should be together. While I have no problem with the general idea of adopting two children, LO does not do very well around other kids. Just yesterday when the hubby picked her up from preschool they said she had hit and bitten several other children. This isn�t the first time it has happened, as you faithful readers know. Our house just isn�t the safest place for a newborn. That said, if the only way for me to keep LO is for me to also adopt her sister, I will not hesitate to do so. I love this child. Disturbed and manipulative though she may be, I cannot imagine our lives without her now.

So, anyway, we had a big meeting with the state yesterday and no matter what anyone said, they still want to put the two of them together when adoption starts. I hope to and have been planning on adopting LO, but now, the family that has had her sister for the last three weeks had said that if the state is determined to keep then together, then they, too, want to be considered for the adoption placement of both children. While the hubby and I have the advantage, having had LO for five months and not having any other kids in our home (this other family has a 4-year old special needs foster child with them already) it still makes me insanely nervous.

I�ll know more on March 10th when they have the final hearing about whether or not they should be placed together for adoption.

All of this just breaks my heart for my LO and for this new baby and, well, for me and the hubby, too.


I think I am finally going to stop biting my nails. I bought this stuff called No Bite made by ORLY and it really is amazing. I have tried other foul tasting polishes before, but they weren�t bad enough for me to overcome my addiction. This stuff is. It is so bad I gag when I forget and get a taste of it. It been about four days and I am already starting to see a little bit of growth. Go me!


So, Valentine�s Day is almost here. Can you believe it? It�s not really a BIG deal at my house � especially since I already got my main present from the hubby. It is a really lovely ring. Here�s a picture of it:

I got him this ridiculous singing, dancing gorilla and I painted a coffee cup for him at the wondrous and precious Fire It Up! and LO painted a little ceramic VW Beetle for him while we were there, plus we both got him chocolate.

The hubby and I are going out of town for the weekend; just to Knoxville � we love it there. The only problem is that the foster care agency hasn�t found anyone to keep LO for us yet and it has to be a state approved home. It sure won�t be a romantic getaway if we have to take her with us and I can�t cancel the hotel because I made the arrangements through Priceline (a small price to pay for the deal I got - $28/night at the Holiday Inn where their �special� online rate is $71/night). We could go to the zoo � they have a nice one and that has a new baby rhino � so I think we could manage, but, well, you know�.

Awwww! Isn�t that precious! I LOVE RHINOS!


Simpsons Trivia

For his first date with Agnes Skinner in �Worst Episode Ever�, Comic Book Guy wears a T-Shirt that says what?

a. �My Other T-shirt is Clean�

b. �I (Heart) Gotham City�

c. �Comic nerds do it monthly�

d. �High IQ�


Answer to previous question:

b. The Mailman


I guess that is all I have today. Be sure to look for my very special V-day entry tomorrow with new layout and everything!



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