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Friday, Feb. 13, 2004 - 1103379793

The evening was warm, but it was nice. Not oppressively humid as it would be in another month when August was bearing down on the Tennessee River day and night. The sky was perfectly clear when he picked her up in the car that he�d spent the afternoon cleaning.

This was technically their second date, but the first one they�d been more like friends. They had gone hiking and he had never worked up the nerve to even hold her hand. They both knew that this date would decide if that little spark they�d felt was more than just a flirtation.

The radio played softly as they drove to the movie theatre and the conversation was easy. Even quiet moments didn�t feel uncomfortable. They sat through the entire movie, side by side, but each lost in their own thoughts; neither knowing that the other was already falling; never touching for fear they would rush, and therefore damage, this little electricity that seemed to run between them. Then in an instant the movie ended and the large crowd started to amble out of the theater. They stood, legs a little unsure after their minds had been absent from this world for so long. The dim lights had brightened a little as they moved into the aisle, still side by side. The crowd and their unsteady walk caused them to bump into one another and he seized the moment. He took her hand in his and they both felt the magic.

Walking to the car, they both new it was much too soon to go home. He drove her to a park on the lake, where they walked barefoot in the sand, still holding onto each others hand as if for dear life. The sky had remained clear and the stars shone now as if they were beaming with all their might just to light these two in their romantic glow. When she stopped at the water�s edge, he stood behind her, holding bother her hands, and they both watched the sky. A falling star streaked across the sky and she gasped a little, surprised by its sudden appearance and simple beauty and the way it was gone before either of them could even acknowledge it. But they both had seen it.

"Make a wish." She said, and they both closed their eyes. Then after a moment she turned to face him, letting him put his arms around her. She asked, "What did you wish for?"

Again he made the leap, and kissed her. It was the softest, most beautiful kiss either of them had ever known. It was as if there had never been any other kiss before this one. They both felt that earlier electricity explode and fill their bodies. This was what singers crooned about, and the poets wrote about; this was magic. This was love in its most pure and beautiful form. This was the beginning. This was happily ever after.


Thank you, honey for the most beautiful night I have ever known.



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