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Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 - 2:01 PM

Here�s an update on the progress of things with our LO.

In December, LO�s biological mother, N, had her rights terminated by the state. That made her legally eligible for adoption which has been our plan all along. Some problems started though when N showed up at the TPR hearing seven months pregnant. She also tested positive for methamphetamine that day.

N delivered a seemingly healthy baby girl on January 13th. Both mother and daughter tested positive for methamphetamine again on that day. The state immediately took custody of the baby that N had named D. In February the state asked us if we would like to take D as well as LO as it is their opinion that siblings should be placed together if at all possible. While our initial thought was �Of course!� there were two issues that bothered us. First, LO has a history of violence toward other children. She likes to be the center of attention at all times and will do just about anything to make that happen. Second, the state has not yet terminated N�s rights to D so there is a (very, very) slim chance that she could regain custody or possibly even have visitation rights while D is with us. We think it is unfair to expect LO to understand why this child would get to see N, or possibly live with her, when that can never happen for her. We had a meeting with DCS in February to address all of these concerns and yet it still seems that the state wants to put the two girls together. D is now almost two months old and has been living with the same family since leaving the hospital. They would like to adopt her. Both we and they have said that we would adopt both girls in order to keep the one we have. And so there was the dilemma.

The adoption selection committee met today. It was their job to decide if the girls would be placed together or apart for permanent adoption and also where the placement(s) would be.

I got a call just before 11:00 a.m. this morning with the news that LO (and LO only) is ours. Forever. (D's biological father came forward.)

There will have to be meetings and conferences and signing of contracts first, but in six months (the Tennessee waiting period) everything will be finalized. That puts us at September 2004, exactly one year from the date she came to us.

I can�t tell you how happy Joe and I are and how thankful we are for all the kind wishes and prayers and support. Thank you all.



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