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Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004 - 4:32 PM

I'm a little down. I went back to the doc-in-a-box to get my TB test results, and it is positive. They immediately sent me to the health department for a chest x-ray. I had the x-ray and I have an appointment with my regular doctor to have the x-ray read in the morning. Most likely I have a TB infection which is not infectious nor a particularly big deal. If I do, in fact, have the infection, I will have to take medication for the rest of my life to keep it inactive and all will be fine. The problem whould be if I had TB disease, which is when the bacteria are active, but as I have not inexplicably lost weight or begun coughing up blood, this is not likely.

Anyway, that's where things stand as of right now. I will keep you posted.


Also, don't forget about the little contest I have going.



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