Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Cook, Laundress, Maid, Finder of lost things, Loser of Cell Phones, Pet Lover, Boo-boo fixer...

Diary of a Real Live Mom

Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004
9:31 AM

Happy Birthday, Pappaw
Yesterday was my Pappaw's birthday. And I forgot. I didn't really forget, I was just swamped. I ended up having to work late yesterday because the copier kept jamming and then my hole punch kept jamming and a one hour project - that I stupidly left until the end of the day - became a 2.5 - 3 hour project. I got home around 6:15, wolfed down some dinner and headed out to home depot because I promised my sister we would go to look at wireless doorbells. After that I ran over to Hobby Lobby to get more magnets and floral marbles for the crafty little project Sundry got me addicted to. Here are some of the ones I have made so far:

Aren't they the cutest? There were already about 10 on my fridge when I made these and then I made twenty more last night. I bought enough stuff last night to make 150, but I am putting the rest away as that is what we are going to do for our next Girls' Night Out.

So anyway, back to my evening. We got a new Sopranos disc in the mail from Netflix yesterday, so, of course we had to watch three episodes after we got the little one in bed (at 9:00!). Yep, you do the math. I didn't get to bed until 12:30. Geez, I've got to quit that.

So anyway, tonight the little one has scouts and tomorrow night is church and Thursday night my mom and I are giving a housewarming for my sister who just moved out. Friday night I am going to Fire It Up with my aunt for her birthday. Saturday night we are going to , once again, attempt to go to the Drive In to see Big Fish which I have really been wanting to see. Also there is a restaurant nearby that I have been wanting to try. Whew - and just like that another week will be over.


Tomorrow the puppies will be two weeks old. They don't have their eyes open yet, but they are getting so big! I've got to get some more pictures of them up for you.


Okay, I think that is all I have today. Happy Tuesday!

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