Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Cook, Laundress, Maid, Finder of lost things, Loser of Cell Phones, Pet Lover, Boo-boo fixer...

Diary of a Real Live Mom

10:04 a.m.

Feelin' Snoozy
I burned my left hand the other night. It was fine until today. This is gross, but the scab came off in the shower this morning and now it hurts like you wouldn't believe. I constantly injure myself. This time it was the oven. I was taking pizza out from the bottom rack and the pot holder slipped and I touched the top of my hand, just above my thumb, to the top rack. Fun, right? So anyway, I'm in a pissy mood today. Between that and staying up way too late last night for no good reason whatsoever. I didn't get to bed until 1AM. I have to be at work at 8. I feel like crap.

Do you ever have one of those days where, even though you really like your job, you just HATE your job? I really do like it here and it is a heck of a lot better than my last couple of jobs, but some days the futility of it all crashes down and I think, Lord, please help me find something to do that is meaningful, or at least let me go home and take a nap.

I hope she doesn't mind me saying this, but my buddy Em lost 2 more pounds on WW this week. She is amazing. She is my inspiration. Me? I'm stuck and it's my own fault for just thinking I can eat whatever I want (junk food) and do whatever I want (watch Queer Eye camped out on the couch) and still manage to lose weight. Anyway, congrats to Em!

Speaking of Queer Eye, I have to say, I love that show. Carson cracks me up. Even their re-runs are more interesting than most of what is on TV. Also, the kids of South Park are spoofing Queer Eye tonight - looks like that will be funny.

Next month the hubby and I are driving down to Atlanta for the John Mayer concert and I could not be more excited. Last month saw Dave Matthews Band in Nashville. That was awesome! It was out third summer in a row for them. I'll go see them as long as they tour. I'm hoping to get tickets to the Dave Matthews solo tour in December, but we'll see. The closest he is getting to here is Chicago and that is 10-11 hour drive three days before Christmas. I'm not so sure about that. More on that as events unfold.

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